The #ActivitiesStrong Initiative, led by Linked Senior, aims to promote, engage and empower wellness directors and senior living executives to continue the conversation surrounding health and wellness in aging adults. The resources provided & webinar series are an outlet for conversation to further the mission of combating isolation and encouraging safe, social opportunities for teams & residents.

#ActivitiesStrong 5 on Bridge the Gap Network

Learn about generational cohorts and why their definitions of “professionalism” vary.


What we find today is whether you're hiring a 25-year-old or a 45-year-old, she is the exact same flight risk.

Cara Silletto

Guest on This Episode

Charles de Vilmorin

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Cara Silletto

Workforce Retention & Culture

Workforce thought leader Cara Silletto, MBA, CSP, works with organizations to reduce unnecessary employee turnover by bridging generational gaps and making managers more effective in their roles.

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One thing that is really special about everyone on the line & working in the senior living industry, is how much they've actually made a choice every day through this pandemic for showing up at work.

Quick Overview of the Podcast

Our real-life first-hand stories about the real issues on the T.A.B.L.E. (technology, authority, balance, loyalty, and entitlement) fuel an eye-opening discussion about today’s changing workplace that will shift your mindset about those you work with. A stronger culture means less turnover and high quality of care for residents. Workforce Strategist from Magnet Culture, Cara Silletto, dives into how the resident engagement department plays a role in reducing employee turnover by connecting team members with the "why".

• Learn about generational cohorts and why their definitions of “professionalism” vary

• Uncover exactly why today’s new workforce thinks and acts so differently in the workplace than previous generations

• Learn how the resident engagement department can improve relationships and retention

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